PSA 2 AAA is one of thirty three (33) planning and service areas in California and is the third largest PSA covering 22,774 square miles. Each Area Agency is uniquely designed to deliver services to their older adult communities. Although unique, Area Agencies share a common mission in preserving independence, dignity, and choice to enable our targeted populations to age at home.
PSA 2 AAA is responsible for identifying the needs of seniors, and planning and coordinating senior services. It is also responsible for the administration and monitoring of program funding provided by federal and state governments.
Unlike other Area Agencies within the aging network, PSA 2 AAA primarily contracts services through local non-profit organizations and a university foundation with the exception of the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), the Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs and the Information & Assistance program for Lassen, Modoc, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties, which are direct services of PSA 2 AAA.